To compete for this skate team leader
position for our team contact us.
James Ayers - Queensland AU
To compete for this skate team leader position for our team contact us.
"Definitely one of the highlights of our trip to Galveston. Chris was awesome and his shop is the best. We loved it. Great prices, superior service. Very happy with all of our purchases. I love shopping and talking with people who love what they do. It shines here. Great vibe."
- Ashley Ayers - USA
"Do you sponsor"...
- Adam Hunt - skater
Yes, details soon.
-Chris Deaton
Diverse City Skate Decks
We are a state side and international skate company. Official Company logo: An initialed cube with the phrase... "GET CUBED" with a high impact image for Diverse City Skate Decks. What is descriptively explained as what the CEO referenced to as, "The four pillars of the skate realm." Having himself operated in all areas of these within the skate industry the four corners of the graphic cube represent these... (1) manufacturing (2) warehousing (3) skate shops and (4) both indoor and outdoor skate parks . Dea says, "All of which play a vital role in the industry." "However, the most important factor is... the skater who will hold the cube and control all four elements of the skate industry." Company History: Since the company’s corporation founding in 2005, a lot has changed. The first change was to drop the name Skate Factor Custom Boards in 2007. Which means the manufacturing experience came to a halt. Later DCSD reopened its doors to a thirty thousand dollar indoor skate park known as Diverse City. This indoor park became well known for hosting it's skate competitions, live bands, DJ music night club along with other fund raisers to include Art Expo’s, and youth events. What was extraordinary were the friends that were there before the adventure began; friends that helped shape the future of what was…to what the company is today. Years past and time was blown all about with a lot of internal transitions. In this culture the skate world will move on with or without us as we know, so we have to do are best and get back out there because the show must go on. Diverse City Skate Decks has the passion as we look into the future to formulate our adventures into art. We will not give up our birthright of melding our memories and making them into skate decks. This company is for all relentless skaters, and that means you! If we can push skate into a new direction, you too, can accomplish as much as you put into your journey. What are you waiting for? Skate it up and Get Cubed © with D.C.S.D. your true blood, sweat, and tears skate company.
THANK YOU for selecting us as your board of choice for your daily grind.
Daniel Romero- California USA
To compete for this skate team leader position for our team contact us.
Ellyn Badens - Montreal CA
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